The Government have announced additional funding to ‘catch-up’ any students detrimentally affected by academy closures and the impact of Covid-19. The focus will be on catching up on lost teaching, ensuring students are at least in line with curriculum expectations and that they make progress in line with academy targets. We have reviewed the Education Endowment Foundation – Covid-19 Support Guide for Schools to allocate the catch-up premium effectively. The proposed Covid catch-up budget has been analysed and signed off by the academy’s Governing body. The impact will be monitored and reviewed throughout the year by the Governing Body and Academies Director.
Total Covid Catch-Up Premium allocated: TBC
Google Literacy/Personal Development Programme
Designed Google Literacy Programme to support accessing the curriculum and life skills to apply curriculum knowledge in different contexts.
Raise digital levels of children to ensure they can maximise the technology invested in by the Trust – A year upon year curriculum designed to teach children to understand and apply the G Suite technology whilst evidencing their personal development (building upon the computing curriculum).
One-to-one and small group tuition – Specific groups of pupils in Reading, Writing and Maths are identified for targeted support to diminish gaps in learning and ensure rapid progress. These are cross key stage and can be on a one-to-one basis or small groups with both a Maths and English specialist.
Increased Teaching Capacity
Targeted pupils and classes
Added capacity to reduce pupil to teacher ratio.
Additional staff members recruited – High quality phonics, reading and writing support is available to all classes and children who need it. This ensures that the foundation skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing are developed.
Additional bespoke resources to support accelerated progress and higher attainment
Ensure students have a wide range of highly appropriate materials – In order for them to access the entire curriculum, catch up and meet academy targets.
Interventions focusing on additional need, SEN and barriers to learning.
Supporting highly effective teaching – Upon receiving staff voice, we have identified the need to a high quality CPD programme to upskill staff to target and address particular needs which have become more apparent following the pandemic.