
We have whole school assemblies three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We value the time to come together as a community and celebrate what is so special about Leigh Academy Oaks.

Monday assemblies are always linked to a theme and celebrate SMSC, British values and what is going on in the world around us. Please see below for an outline of our assemblies moving forward, including visitors who may be coming to enrich our children’s learning experiences.

On a Wednesday, we have a Music Assembly. Music assembly is an integral part of our Music Curriculum where we;

  • Sing together in order to foster a love of music and improve our choral singing.
  • Learn, apply and embed musical vocabulary and knowledge.
  • Listen and respond to a breadth of music from different composers, cultures and time periods.
  • Perform instrumental or singing pieces as a class to the rest of the school.

On a Friday, we celebrate the learning and achievements of our children, linked to the Learner Profile Attributes.

Music Assembly
Listening Theme: Western Classical Music pre-1940s
Singing Theme: Autumn/World Food Day
Year 6 and Year 3 to perform

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

09/09/23 International Literacy Day

SMSC – Cultural Development

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

15/09/23 International Day of Democracy

BV – Democracy

World Celebrations and Themes

Music Assembly
Listening Focus – English Folk Song Suite – Vaughan Williams

Singing Focus –
-Chocolate molinillo
-Cauliflowers fluffy

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

24/09/23 The Great Big Green Week and
26/09/23 European Day of Languages

PYP Action – Lifestyle Choices
SMSC – Moral Development

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

Imam Usmani
Milad un Nabi – Muslim Celebration of the birthday of Prophet Mohammad? Or Zakat?
(Year 3 Class Visit after Assembly)

SMSC – Spiritual and Cultural Development
BV – Tolerance

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

Black History Month

SMSC – Spiritual and Cultural Development
BV – Tolerance

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

16/10/23 World Food Day – link with Harvest/Autumn celebrations

SMSC – Moral Development
International Mindedness

Music Assembly
Listening Theme: Latin American Traditions
Singing Theme: Performance Songs for Christmas
Year 2 and Year 4 to perform

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

11/11/23 Remembrance Day

BV – Democracy, Individual Liberty

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

Anti-Bullying Week

BV – Tolerance
SMSC – Moral Development, Social Development

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

UK Parliament Week

BV – Rule of Law, Democracy

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

St. Martin’s Church Assembly

Inter-Faith Week
BV – Tolerance

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

World Volunteer Day (05/12/23)

PYP – Action
SMSC – Social Development

World Celebrations and Themes

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

Tuesday 12th December
Christingle Service at
St. Martin’s Church

SMSC – Cultural Development
BV – Tolerance

Music Assembly
Listening Theme: Western Classical and Film Music post-1940s
Singing Theme: Celebrating Differences

No Monday or Wednesday assembly.

World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

Reading for Pleasure
Staff sharing their favourite books with pupils

SMSC – Accept, respect and celebrate diversity
BV – Mutual Respect
LPA – Communicator

World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

Music Assembly
-Good to be me
-In Harmony
-What makes a family?

Family Trust to visit on Wednesday

SMSC – Spiritual and Cultural Development
BV – Tolerance

World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

Imam Usmani – Hajj

SMSC – Spiritual and Cultural Development
BV – Tolerance

World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

Art Week

SMSC – Spiritual and Cultural Development
LPA – Balanced

World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

Safer Internet Day (06/02/24)

Theme: Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.

BV – Mutual Respect
LPA – Communicator

Music Assembly
Listening Theme: African Traditions
Singing Theme: Sharing songs with Sele school in Malawi. Call and response.

Years 3 and 6 to perform.

World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

19/02/24 Welcome back and Chinese New Year

SMSC – Cultural Development
BV – Tolerance

World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

26/02/24 March is Women’s History Month. 8th March is International Women’s Day.

SMSC – Cultural Development, Moral Development
BV – Tolerance
BV – Individual Liberty

World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

04/03/24 World Book Day


World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

11/03/24 St. Martin’s Assembly

BV – Tolerance
SMSC – Moral and Spiritual Development

World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

18/03/24 Neurodiversity Celebration Week

SMSC – Accept, Respect and Celebrate Diversity
BV – Mutual Respect

World Celebrations and Themes

Listening Theme: Assembly lead to choose music.

SMSC Focus
(inc. British Values,
PYP Learner Profile Attributes, Approaches to Learning and Action)

25/03/24 Holi

BV – Tolerance
SMSC – Moral and Spiritual Development