Online Safety Advice
If you are concerned about a child or young adult being groomed online or are concerned with who they are communicating with whilst online, then you can report this immediately.
Online Safety for Parents
E-Safety is a key aspect of parenting in the 21st Century. Children are increasingly reliant on technology in their everyday life and we want to ensure that while they’re online or accessing an app we keep them safe. There is lots of information out there to support you, but we thought we’d summarise a few ideas to get you started.
- Be share aware – what information are they sharing with friends and the wider community. Is this information safe and can other people see it. For example, in school we ensure that any data stored by companies is bound by regulation and protected in the case of hacking.
- Set up parental controls – you know what it’s like, you click a link and suddenly something you hadn’t expected appears on the screen – this could be a completely innocent image, but it might not be. Most internet and mobile phone providers will allow you to set up parental controls to limit the chances of children stumbling on anything unsuitable. If the children come across anything in school we teach them to: Stop, Tell and Block. Stop clicking, take the device to an adult and Tell them then the IT department Block it.
- Talk to your child – talk to your child about keeping safe online and when using apps. Some apps include location devices so that anyone using the app can see who else is nearby – check the settings. Explain that if they see something they don’t like they need to speak to someone or block people who are unkind.
If you are concerned about a child or young adult being groomed whilst online then you can report this immediately. Use the CEOP button on our home page which will allow you to report any concerns – the E-safety Emergency Service.
Further advice and support can be found on these links:
- NSPCC Keeping children safe online advice and support
- Childnet Family Agreement advice for safer internet use
Helpful Websites
Some useful websites for parents and carers regarding Online Safety for children:
- eSafety (KCC Advice)
- Internet Safety (Kent Police Advice)
- Thinkuknow (Advice from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)
- Childnet